We are following closely the advise of Green Industries SA, and will adopt mechanisms to develop a green economy using clean energy where possible and reducing emissions efficiently reusing and recycling.

Single use plastics

In April 2020, a Bill to prohibit the sale, supply and distribution of certain single-use plastic products was introduced to parliament, where a ban was placed on single-use straws, stirrers and cutlery, including bioplastic in March 2021. In the coming years this Bill will cover additional single-use packaging items.

Cups and lids

In South Australia disposable single-use cups are currently made from Polylactic acid (PLA or Bioplastic) certified and approved by AS 4736-2006. For appropriate composting, these cups must be collected and transported to special recycling facilities otherwise they become general waste, landfill. There are only a few such recycling plants available in South Australia. As a result, SEVILLANA has been closely following the development of new technologies to bring our customers disposable cups and lids that can be composted or recycled at home with no issues.

Our cups

Sevillana Coffee® cups are made with zero plastic by incorporating a water dispersing lining with no bioplastics. They are 100% COMPOSTABLE, 100% RECYCLABLE paper of premium quality. This technology is new in Australia, currently in the process of being certified by State Governments to be accepted by State recycling and composting facilities. You can do your bit for the environment and compost it at home.

Our lids

Sevillana Coffee® lids are in the process of being made of sugar cane pulp or paper and will be 100% COMPOSTABLE at home. Currently 100% recyclable, not compostable.

Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds from each freshly made cup of coffee are collected in a central location within the machine in a biodegradable bag for disposal. The grounds are either composted at our main location or offered to local community gardens as a great fertiliser. The biodegradable bags are placed in our compost bin for decomposition.

Water Waste

Waste water resulting from our maintenance process is minimal and void of any harmful chemicals. The water is utilised by plants at our main location however can be safely disposed of into any greywater system.

LED lighting and Intelligent Energy-Saving

LED lighting and Intelligent Energy-Saving mechanisms within the machines result in reduced power consumption thus reducing our greenhouse gas emissions footprint.